Panelists and Seminars
Intersection of Civic Society, Business, & Government in NOLA
Speaker: Dr. Allison Plyer

Dr. Plyer will provide background on how civic engagement post-Katina has been both successful and unsuccessful. Fellows will share their insights into how natural disasters have created civic engagement in their home country and what are the lessons learned that seem to work regardless of the geography.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Speaker: Susie Weller, Executive Director, Children First, Inc.

CASA recruits, screens, trains, and supervises volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and/or neglected children in appropriate court proceedings in the Western Judicial Circuit of Georgia, in the social service system and with community service providers, thus assuring those children’s rights to an appropriate placement and transition to a permanent home.
CASA’s unique organization can be recognized across many communities of practice. Managed by a volunteer board, and operated with little funding, CASA is an exemplary example of little resources, big action.
Free Legal Clinics
Speaker: Alex Scherr, Veterans Law Clinic; Emma Hetherington, CEASE Clinic; Russell Gabriel, Criminal Defense Practicum; Eleanor Lanier, Public Mediation Clinic.

The panel will discuss how free legal clinics are built, funded, and sustained and how they truly serve the most marginalized of populations. Q&A and networking afterward.
Diversity & Inclusion at UGA
Speaker: Dr. Michelle Cook

UGA’s VP of the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion will lead a panel that shares insights into diversity and inclusion in the context of the community and the University.
History of U.S. Advocacy Movements & Overview of Advocacy Tools
Speaker: Joseph Watson, Jr. (Carolyn Caudell Tieger Professor of Public Affairs Communications)

Interactive discussion on the history of advocacy in the U.S.; discussion on the merits and disadvantages of tools and techniques civilly active groups/individuals have used in the pursuit of civic issues in the context of the U.S.