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Adapting by learning to be strategic, intentional, and responsive

By: Shingai Gwatidzo


What did you enjoy most about this last week?

There are vast opportunities for networking and these will require taking the initiative and going out of my way to seek potential collaborators. The speed networking session was a great way of practicing my elevator pitch and capturing the attention of potential collaborators and forming new partnerships. Sometimes common interests may not be established in the initial engagement, however, following up and having further communication may set a path for future convergence of ideas.

What are some new things you learned?

The concept of 3 Is (Influence that Inspires Integrity) which is formed out of (Vision & Purpose) + (Courage & Perseverance) divided by (Faith x Hope). Sometimes I let my ideas die without pursuing them and the main reason is the failure to formulate and solve this equation.

What did you learn that you will be able to utilize in the future?

The grant writing process provided some essential steps to take and concepts to consider whilst applying for grants. Often at times, I struggle to link my ideas to the criteria and requirements for a particular grant, so I believe I will be able to apply the 3 Phase approach: Phase 1: Research Phase 2: Go/No-Go Decision point Phase 3: Proposal Preparation

What was something unexpected you encountered this week?

During our visit to the Peer Court, I was amazed at with how the process is well thought-out and managed, and most unexpectedly, the critical thinking that was displayed by the young judges, advocates, and jury. It was amazing to see how young people are empowered early in life to be responsible citizens and to take on leadership roles in their communities. The exercise with the photos was also a powerful tool that I never expected would generate so much detailed analysis of healthcare systems within our countries and what it takes to work together as leaders to agree on common values for what would be an ideal healthcare system.

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